
Kygo – Think About You

After slowly teasing this track throughout the week. Anticipation was in the air. Kygo decided to drop ‘Think About You’ on valentines day which was a smart move. The track features the vocals of Valerie Broussard who is newly signed to Dahll’s Palm Tree Records.

The track pars his signature use of the piano with a propulsive neon beat. Throughout there is a dynamic and vibrant vocal which perfectly matches the vibe of the track. The song perfectly encapsulates the feeling of love while it simultaneously uplifts you cumulating on a feeling of nostalgia in the bright and bold hook in the drop.

The Norwegian DJ Kygo is back better than ever after a string of alright releases. It is good to see him using a more unknown singer. This is more of him going back to his old roots. We are in love with this song!

Listen Below 👇