
Voost Interview

We caught up with rising talent Voost after a string of releases on Spinnin Records. Here is what he had to say below 👇

Hi, Voost thanks for taking the time to talk to us at Melodic Nation. So how long have you been producing for and how did you come up with your artist name? 

I’ve been producing since I was around 14 years old, I’m 23 now so it has been about 9 years since I first started opening up a DAW. When I started out I was just playing around and not thinking anything of it it was until around 4/5 years ago that I started taking it seriously! My artist name actually came from my last name, it’s ‘Provoost’ so I took ‘Voost’ out of it, It sounds quite unique but is still close to me which I like!

We noticed that in the last two years you have really found your own unique sound. How hard was it to find your own original sound in the beginning?

It was quite a journey getting to the point where I am today, I started out by making Future house but never really felt it was something I was good at or felt natural. I switched over to more of a deep house sound which immediately felt more natural to me producing wise, but it wasn’t something that I stand for and would play when doing live shows. So I wanted to try and go for a more housier/clubby sound. Over the past 2 years, I think I found my place and it’s now time to challenge myself and build my sound even more based on what I’ve been doing!

You just released your latest track ‘Sometimes It Hurts’ how did that song come about?

This track actually started earlier this year (2021), I wanted to try something different and really wanted to start to incorporate samples into my music! I was browsing around on an old school Spotify playlist and came across ‘Donna Summer – If It Hurts Just A Little’ and instantly fell in love with the hook. I knew Cassius did use one part of the same sample I used so it was quite tricky to make something unique and have it stand out. So I combined 2 different hooks from the original Donna Summer track and created an extra String hook to blend everything together!

We have noticed that a lot of your recent releases have been on Spinnin Records how did that relationship come about? Are you signed to an exclusive deal with them?

The first time I got in contact with Spinnin’ was actually around 2.5 years ago. They signed my track ‘Circles’ and that was the start of our collaboration, at the beginning of 2020 I signed a publishing deal at ‘MusicAllStars’ and started working closer together! I think this year we took it to the next level, we share the same vision of where my music needs to be and it’s been working out great!

Aside from working alongside ManyFew & Redondo do you plan to do more collaborations?

I always like doing collaborations as you can learn a lot from another artist, I do have a couple of exciting collaborations in the pipeline and hopefully one of them will see the daylight very soon!

Do you have any plans to tour asides from just releasing music? 

I really hope to start doing shows soon but covid hit the industry hard, I’m really happy to see that the scene is starting to open up slowly. So no plans yet but we’re trying to figure out something for next year!

Do you have any exciting upcoming plans you can share with us for the rest of the year and 2022?

I plan on continuing to release regularly but I am trying to expand my sound a bit more and try some different stuff than only doing the ‘piano house’ style. ‘Sometimes It Hurts’ was one of the tracks that were a bit more experimental for me so expect more of that in 2022! Already got quite a few tracks done for next year so really looking forward to releasing some of the stuff I’ve been making!

Are there any goals that you want to achieve and what have been the highlights so far in your career?

My main goal now is to start doing shows in 2022 and build up my artist profile even more! I think ‘Off My Mind’ was definitely one of the biggest highlights in my career as it was my first ‘hit’ record in the scene that really opened a lot of doors for me. Also ‘Want You’ was a really big record for me as it got so much radio play in the UK and here in the Netherlands which also brought me a lot of good things! 

Lastly any words of advice for upcoming producers?

Stay true to yourself and don’t think short term, it’s really hard to do sometimes as you see trends come and go but I think it’s really important to produce and make the stuff you really want to make and enjoy doing! Also, it’s easier said than done but it all takes time and a lot of effort to start so have patience and good things will come if you keep on pushing!

Thanks once again for this interview

You can check out Voost’s latest remix below 👇

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